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fodmap diet dos & donts

Admin Posted on Tue, July 25, 2017 00:27:24


Bean sprouts, butternut squash, carrots, celery, courgettes, chilli, chives, cucumber, aubergine, green beans, ginger, lettuce, olives, parsnip, parsley, red peppers, pumpkin, potato scallions/spring onions (green part), spinach, sweet potato, tomato, mussels, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, cranberry, honeydew/gala melons, clementine, dates, grapes, grapefruit, kiwifruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange, passion fruit, papaya, pineapple, raspberry, breads, wheat free/gluten free pasta, buckwheat noodles, porridge, corn flakes, rice bran, rice krispies, almonds (max 15), barley (small doses), crispbread, corn cakes, macadamia nuts (max 10), oats, oatcakes, peanuts (max 15), pecans (max 15), pine nuts (max 15), polenta, crisps, pumpkin seeds, (max 1-2 tsps), quinoa, rice cakes, rice crackers, sesame seeds (max 1-2 tsps), sunflower seeds (max 1-2 tsps), sorghum, tortilla chips, walnuts (max 10), white rice, wheat free rye, golden syrup, glucose, maple syrup, sugar, aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, clear spirits, fruit & herbal tea, lemonade (low quantities) fizzy drinks (cola etc.), soya milk, wine & beer (1 drink), brie cheese, butter, camembert cheese, dairy free choc pudding, eggs, feta cheese, gelato, hard cheese, lactose free milk, parmesan cheese, rice milk, sorbet, Swiss cheese, tofu.


Garlic (avoid at all costs), onions (avoid at all costs), artichoke, asparagus, avocado, baked beans, beetroot, black eyed peas, Brussel sprouts, broad beans, broccoli, butter beans, cabbage, cauliflower, chickpeas, fennel, green pepper (green ball pepper), lentils, kidney beans, leeks, mushrooms, okra, peas, soy beans, scallions/spring onions (white part), apples, apricots, blackberries, cherries, lychee, honey, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, canned fruit in apple/pear juice, watermelon, biscuits, bread crumbs, cakes, egg noodles, regular noodles, pastries, pasta, wheat bread, wheat cereals, couscous, pistachios, rye, semolina, sugar free sweets, agave, fructose, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), inulin, isomalt, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, milk chocolate, FOS (fructooligosaccharides), oligofructose, beer, dandelion tea, fruit and herbal teas with apple, orange juice (in quantities over 100ml), sugar free fizzy drinks, sports drinks, rum, wine (if more than 1 glass), custard, ice cream, margarine, milk (cows/goats/sheep), soft cheese, cheese with added sugar, yogurt, coca powder.

Recipe ideas

Admin Posted on Sat, April 29, 2017 23:05:27

All recipes ideas can be fowarded to me by this email and will be published under your name on this wee site
